Saturday, April 08, 2006

CourageousDemocrats SALUTES our fightin' Dems! First Up: Minority Sen. Leader Hary Reid

PROPS for Senator Reid! Pres. Bush BLASTS Reid for "Obstructing" immigration "reform". YOU GO, HARRY!

Give 'em Hell, and furthermore, GO ON THE OFFENSIVE, and DEMAND EQUAL TIME from the LIARS at "Fox news" who CLAIM to be "fair and balanced"!

Tonight Fox "news" showed their inherent BIAS, by repeatedly broadcasting President Bush's contention that the Democrats, and specifically Sen. Minority Leader Harry Reid, (was) were "OBSTRUCTING" an "immigration reform bill."

Of course, as with everything else coming from the Bush administration, (and the mouth of the "leaker" president), the "REFORM" desired by President Bush in immigration would be a MASSIVE GIFT TO CORPORATE AMERICA: the "inviting" of foreign labor as "guest workers," WITHOUT HAVING TO PAY THEM AMERICAN WAGES, up to an possibly including provisions to 'INDENTURE' those workers to America's large corporations, thereby making them HOSTAGES to their jobs, in effect company slaves.

BRAVO! To Senator Reid for leading the "OBSTRUCTION" to YET ANOTHER COLD, CRUEL, and CALLOUS policy/agenda of the "leaker" president.

The only real problem is highlighted over there at Fox "news": Fox REPEATEDLY BROADCASTS President's Bush's sneer that Democrats are "OBSTRUCTING" his "reform," yet "FAIR AND BALANCED" Fox DOES NOT ALLOW SO MUCH as ONE Democratic sound-bite to make the airwaves.

Why? Because, like the Bush White House the Fox editors, writers, and publishers are INVETERATE and CHRONIC LIARS.

And what is with the murderous pooh-bahs of Mr. Rupert Murdoch's FOX bandying around the charge that Democrats and those who oppose the Bush admin. cruel, cold, callous, and incompetent agenda are "TRAITORS"???

Mr. Murdoch is making BILLIONS helping the Chinese government propagate COMMUNIST PARTY PROPAGANDA in China, otherwise known as... Fox "NEWS" in that country!

Americans who listen to Rush Limbaugh and FOX news are truly ill-informed news consumers (if not outright IDIOTS), allowing a company which makes BILLIONS propagating Chinese Communist Party Propaganda to throw around the labels of "obstructionist", "Unpatriotic", and even "TREASON" here in America.

(PS: Liar Limbaugh gets off on calling Senator Reid "Dirty Harry". Nice example of that "more BIPARTISAN, Uniter NOT Divider" Republican ethos that Mr. Bush claims credit for.)


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