Sunday, April 16, 2006

Dean, Feingold, Conyers, Rep. Slaughter "not foes of Impeachment"

Excerpted from Dave Lindorff... SOME Democrats understand that there should be little complicity with an entirely CORRUPT, CRIMINAL enterprise that is the Bush-Cheney-Libby-Rove White House (and DeLay-Cunningham-Nye-Frist Congress)

Howard Dean Tells CounterPunch:
the DNC No Foe of Impeachment Drive
March 20, 2006

I got an personal email from Democratic

<< Fifteen years ago, the late Rep. Henry Gonzalez of Texas filed an impeachment motion against the first President Bush for his invasion of Iraq, which Gonzalez said was unconstitutional. He did it on his own, and nobody stopped him, though the president went after him for it later.

Where is today's Henry Gonzalez, when the current president's impeachable crimes, including his illegal invasion of Iraq, are so much more serious?

The answer is that the Democratic Party leadership, or at least key elements of it, has beaten them into silence, fearful that they won't get campaign money, or that the party will punish them in some other way, through lost committee assignments or perhaps even a primary challenge.

Sen. Feingold is a welcome exception to the PREVAILING COWARDICE that grips the Democratic Party incumbents in House and Senate. >>


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